Volunteer Charity Give Help Share Service Concept

National Make A Difference Day

On Saturday, October 27, 2018, we invite you to join us in celebrating National Make A Difference Day.  Created in 1992, this day of community service is the largest in the nation.  Millions of people will be joining together in a common mission to improve the lives of others.

By volunteering in their communities, people of all different ages, races and genders will be coming together to let everyone know that EVERYONE can make a positive impact on their community.  It reminds us that EVERY effort, no matter how big or small makes an important difference.

If you are wondering how YOU can help, keep reading and you will find a few suggestions.  The most important thing to remember is that it is not the size of the effort or how many people that you help.  Whether you help one person or a group of people, your efforts toward positive change WILL make a difference.

If you can’t start your own project, volunteer to help someone else with their project.  Get together with co-workers, classmates, friends, siblings or your family and start a conversation about what you can do to help. Then there is no excuse to skip participating in Make A Difference Day.

We want to encourage educators to create opportunities for their students to get involved.  Make it simple so that everyone can participate in some way.  Parents, we urge you to talk with your families about making it a family day of volunteering.  Let’s encourage our young people to be socially responsible by volunteering their time and talents to causes that make positive changes.

Here are a few ideas to get you started thinking about #MakeADifferenceDay:

Organize a clothing drive: Ask people you know to donate clothes that they no longer wear and then deliver them to a local homeless shelter.  You can also do the same thing by collecting shoes or coats.

Organize a food drive: Ask people you know to donate canned goods and other non-perishable items and then deliver them to a local food bank or homeless shelter.

Organize a recycling event: Ask people you know to bring their recyclable items to a specific collection site and then bring them to the local recycling center.

Visit a local home for the elderly: Play games or read to the residents who live there.

Volunteer at an animal shelter: Play with the animals and show them some love by brushing them or reading to them.  Start a pet food drive and bring the food you collect to the shelter.

Here at Bullycrisis.com, we hope that if you know someone that is being bullied, you will invite them to join you for the day. Remember the reason we celebrate Make A Difference Day is to show love and compassion to others!