Instilling Perspective Taking in Your Children

Instilling Perspective Taking in Your Children

Perspective taking is the ability to understand another person’s thoughts, feelings, wants and needs. It helps us to step into another person’s shoes, feel what they are feeling and understand point of view. Mastering the skill of perspective taking is the key to...
Creating a Family Moral Identity

Creating a Family Moral Identity

Moral identity can inspire empathy, activate compassion and motivate caring behavior. Having a family moral identity gives children a framework that will shape their own behaviors and thought patterns about who they are and what they believe. Every parent and...
Developing Your Child’s Moral Identity

Developing Your Child’s Moral Identity

If your child can think of themselves as a caring and compassionate person, they are more likely to act in a caring and compassion manner. If they can imagine themselves as responsible for helping others, they are more likely to develop a positive moral identity. A...
When Your Child is Involved in Bullying

When Your Child is Involved in Bullying

So, you’ve been doing everything you can to protect your kid from bullying.  You stay connected with them and you have their computer passwords (just in case). You ‘ve been talking to them about being cyber safe and sane and maintaining their online reputation....